Source code for yt.frontends.flash.data_structures

import os
import weakref

import numpy as np

from yt.data_objects.index_subobjects.grid_patch import AMRGridPatch
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset, ParticleFile
from yt.funcs import mylog, setdefaultattr
from yt.geometry.api import Geometry
from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import Index
from yt.geometry.grid_geometry_handler import GridIndex
from yt.geometry.particle_geometry_handler import ParticleIndex
from yt.utilities.file_handler import HDF5FileHandler, valid_hdf5_signature
from yt.utilities.physical_ratios import cm_per_mpc

from .fields import FLASHFieldInfo

[docs] class FLASHGrid(AMRGridPatch): _id_offset = 1 # __slots__ = ["_level_id", "stop_index"] def __init__(self, id, index, level): AMRGridPatch.__init__(self, id, filename=index.index_filename, index=index) self.Parent = None self.Children = [] self.Level = level
[docs] class FLASHHierarchy(GridIndex): grid = FLASHGrid _preload_implemented = True def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="flash_hdf5"): self.dataset_type = dataset_type self.field_indexes = {} self.dataset = weakref.proxy(ds) # for now, the index file is the dataset! self.index_filename = self.dataset.parameter_filename = os.path.dirname(self.index_filename) self._handle = ds._handle self._particle_handle = ds._particle_handle self.float_type = np.float64 GridIndex.__init__(self, ds, dataset_type) def _initialize_data_storage(self): pass def _detect_output_fields(self): self.field_list = [ ("flash", s.decode("ascii", "ignore")) for s in self._handle["/unknown names"][:].flat ] if "/particle names" in self._particle_handle: self.field_list += [ ("io", "particle_" + s[0].decode("ascii", "ignore").strip()) for s in self._particle_handle["/particle names"][:] ] def _count_grids(self): try: self.num_grids = self.dataset._find_parameter( "integer", "globalnumblocks", True ) except KeyError: try: self.num_grids = self._handle["simulation parameters"]["total blocks"][ 0 ] except KeyError: self.num_grids = self._handle["/simulation parameters"][0][0] def _parse_index(self): f = self._handle # shortcut ds = self.dataset # shortcut f_part = self._particle_handle # shortcut # Initialize to the domain left / domain right ND = self.dataset.dimensionality DLE = self.dataset.domain_left_edge DRE = self.dataset.domain_right_edge for i in range(3): self.grid_left_edge[:, i] = DLE[i] self.grid_right_edge[:, i] = DRE[i] # We only go up to ND for 2D datasets self.grid_left_edge[:, :ND] = f["/bounding box"][:, :ND, 0] self.grid_right_edge[:, :ND] = f["/bounding box"][:, :ND, 1] # Move this to the parameter file try: nxb = ds.parameters["nxb"] nyb = ds.parameters["nyb"] nzb = ds.parameters["nzb"] except KeyError: nxb, nyb, nzb = ( int(f["/simulation parameters"][f"n{ax}b"]) for ax in "xyz" ) self.grid_dimensions[:] *= (nxb, nyb, nzb) try: self.grid_particle_count[:] = f_part["/localnp"][:][:, None] self._blockless_particle_count = ( f_part["/tracer particles"].shape[0] - self.grid_particle_count.sum() ) except KeyError: self.grid_particle_count[:] = 0.0 self._particle_indices = np.zeros(self.num_grids + 1, dtype="int64") if self.num_grids > 1: np.add.accumulate( self.grid_particle_count.squeeze(), out=self._particle_indices[1:] ) else: self._particle_indices[1] = self.grid_particle_count.squeeze() # This will become redundant, as _prepare_grid will reset it to its # current value. Note that FLASH uses 1-based indexing for refinement # levels, but we do not, so we reduce the level by 1. self.grid_levels.flat[:] = f["/refine level"][:][:] - 1 self.grids = np.empty(self.num_grids, dtype="object") for i in range(self.num_grids): self.grids[i] = self.grid(i + 1, self, self.grid_levels[i, 0]) # This is a possibly slow and verbose fix, and should be re-examined! rdx = self.dataset.domain_width / self.dataset.domain_dimensions nlevels = self.grid_levels.max() dxs = np.ones((nlevels + 1, 3), dtype="float64") for i in range(nlevels + 1): dxs[i, :ND] = rdx[:ND] / self.dataset.refine_by**i if ND < 3: dxs[:, ND:] = rdx[ND:] # Because we don't care about units, we're going to operate on views. gle = self.grid_left_edge.ndarray_view() gre = self.grid_right_edge.ndarray_view() geom = self.dataset.geometry if geom != "cartesian" and ND < 3: if geom == "spherical" and ND < 2: gle[:, 1] = 0.0 gre[:, 1] = np.pi gle[:, 2] = 0.0 gre[:, 2] = 2.0 * np.pi return def _populate_grid_objects(self): ii = np.argsort(self.grid_levels.flat) gid = self._handle["/gid"][:] first_ind = -(self.dataset.refine_by**self.dataset.dimensionality) for g in self.grids[ii].flat: gi = - g._id_offset # FLASH uses 1-indexed group info g.Children = [self.grids[i - 1] for i in gid[gi, first_ind:] if i > -1] for g1 in g.Children: g1.Parent = g g._prepare_grid() g._setup_dx() if self.dataset.dimensionality < 3: DD = self.dataset.domain_right_edge[2] - self.dataset.domain_left_edge[2] for g in self.grids:[2] = DD if self.dataset.dimensionality < 2: DD = self.dataset.domain_right_edge[1] - self.dataset.domain_left_edge[1] for g in self.grids:[1] = DD self.max_level = self.grid_levels.max()
[docs] class FLASHDataset(Dataset): _load_requirements = ["h5py"] _index_class: type[Index] = FLASHHierarchy _field_info_class = FLASHFieldInfo _handle = None def __init__( self, filename, dataset_type="flash_hdf5", storage_filename=None, particle_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", default_species_fields=None, ): self.fluid_types += ("flash",) if self._handle is not None: return self._handle = HDF5FileHandler(filename) self.particle_filename = particle_filename if self.particle_filename is None: # try to guess the particle filename try: self._particle_handle = HDF5FileHandler( filename.replace("plt_cnt", "part") ) self.particle_filename = filename.replace("plt_cnt", "part") "Particle file found: %s", self.particle_filename.split("/")[-1] ) except OSError: self._particle_handle = self._handle else: # particle_filename is specified by user self._particle_handle = HDF5FileHandler(self.particle_filename) # Check if the particle file has the same time if self._particle_handle != self._handle: part_time = self._particle_handle.handle.get("real scalars")[0][1] plot_time = self._handle.handle.get("real scalars")[0][1] if not np.isclose(part_time, plot_time): self._particle_handle = self._handle mylog.warning( "%s and %s are not at the same time. " "This particle file will not be used.", self.particle_filename, filename, ) # These should be explicitly obtained from the file, but for now that # will wait until a reorganization of the source tree and better # generalization. self.refine_by = 2 Dataset.__init__( self, filename, dataset_type, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, default_species_fields=default_species_fields, ) self.storage_filename = storage_filename self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = "flash" # always PPM DE self.parameters["Time"] = 1.0 # default unit is 1... def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): if "unitsystem" in self.parameters: # Some versions of FLASH inject quotes in the runtime parameters # See issue #1721 us = self["unitsystem"].replace("'", "").replace('"', "").lower() if us == "cgs": b_factor = 1.0 elif us == "si": b_factor = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi / 1e7) elif us == "none": b_factor = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) else: raise RuntimeError( "Runtime parameter unitsystem with " "value %s is unrecognized" % self["unitsystem"] ) else: b_factor = 1.0 if self.cosmological_simulation == 1: length_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + self.current_redshift) temperature_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + self.current_redshift) ** 2 else: length_factor = 1.0 temperature_factor = 1.0 setdefaultattr(self, "magnetic_unit", self.quan(b_factor, "gauss")) setdefaultattr(self, "length_unit", self.quan(length_factor, "cm")) setdefaultattr(self, "mass_unit", self.quan(1.0, "g")) setdefaultattr(self, "time_unit", self.quan(1.0, "s")) setdefaultattr(self, "velocity_unit", self.quan(1.0, "cm/s")) setdefaultattr(self, "temperature_unit", self.quan(temperature_factor, "K"))
[docs] def set_code_units(self): super().set_code_units()
def _find_parameter(self, ptype, pname, scalar=False): nn = "/{} {}".format( ptype, {False: "runtime parameters", True: "scalars"}[scalar] ) if nn not in self._handle: raise KeyError(nn) for tpname, pval in zip( self._handle[nn][:, "name"], self._handle[nn][:, "value"] ): if tpname.decode("ascii", "ignore").strip() == pname: if hasattr(pval, "decode"): pval = pval.decode("ascii", "ignore") if ptype == "string": return pval.strip() else: return pval raise KeyError(pname) def _parse_parameter_file(self): if "file format version" in self._handle: self._flash_version = self._handle["file format version"][:].item() elif "sim info" in self._handle: self._flash_version = self._handle["sim info"][:][ "file format version" ].item() else: raise RuntimeError("Can't figure out FLASH file version.") # First we load all of the parameters hns = ["simulation parameters"] # note the ordering here is important: runtime parameters should # overwrite scalars with the same name. for ptype in ["scalars", "runtime parameters"]: for vtype in ["integer", "real", "logical", "string"]: hns.append(f"{vtype} {ptype}") if self._flash_version > 7: for hn in hns: if hn not in self._handle: continue for varname, val in zip( self._handle[hn][:, "name"], self._handle[hn][:, "value"] ): vn = varname.strip() if hn.startswith("string"): pval = val.strip() else: pval = val if vn in self.parameters and self.parameters[vn] != pval: "%s %s overwrites a simulation scalar of the same name", hn[:-1], vn, ) if hasattr(pval, "decode"): pval = pval.decode("ascii", "ignore") self.parameters[vn.decode("ascii", "ignore")] = pval if self._flash_version == 7: for hn in hns: if hn not in self._handle: continue if hn == "simulation parameters": zipover = ( (name, self._handle[hn][name][0]) for name in self._handle[hn].dtype.names ) else: zipover = zip( self._handle[hn][:, "name"], self._handle[hn][:, "value"] ) for varname, val in zipover: vn = varname.strip() if hasattr(vn, "decode"): vn = vn.decode("ascii", "ignore") if hn.startswith("string"): pval = val.strip() else: pval = val if vn in self.parameters and self.parameters[vn] != pval: "%s %s overwrites a simulation scalar of the same name", hn[:-1], vn, ) if hasattr(pval, "decode"): pval = pval.decode("ascii", "ignore") self.parameters[vn] = pval # Determine block size try: nxb = self.parameters["nxb"] nyb = self.parameters["nyb"] nzb = self.parameters["nzb"] except KeyError: nxb, nyb, nzb = ( int(self._handle["/simulation parameters"][f"n{ax}b"]) for ax in "xyz" ) # FLASH2 only! # Determine dimensionality try: dimensionality = self.parameters["dimensionality"] except KeyError: dimensionality = 3 if nzb == 1: dimensionality = 2 if nyb == 1: dimensionality = 1 if dimensionality < 3: mylog.warning("Guessing dimensionality as %s", dimensionality) self.dimensionality = dimensionality self.geometry = Geometry(self.parameters["geometry"]) # Determine base grid parameters if "lrefine_min" in self.parameters.keys(): # PARAMESH nblockx = self.parameters["nblockx"] nblocky = self.parameters["nblocky"] nblockz = self.parameters["nblockz"] else: # Uniform Grid nblockx = self.parameters["iprocs"] nblocky = self.parameters["jprocs"] nblockz = self.parameters["kprocs"] # In case the user wasn't careful if self.dimensionality <= 2: nblockz = 1 if self.dimensionality == 1: nblocky = 1 # Determine domain boundaries dle = np.array([self.parameters[f"{ax}min"] for ax in "xyz"]).astype("float64") dre = np.array([self.parameters[f"{ax}max"] for ax in "xyz"]).astype("float64") if self.dimensionality < 3: for d in range(self.dimensionality, 3): if dle[d] == dre[d]: mylog.warning( "Identical domain left edge and right edges " "along dummy dimension (%i), attempting to read anyway", d, ) dre[d] = dle[d] + 1.0 if self.dimensionality < 3 and self.geometry == "cylindrical": mylog.warning("Extending theta dimension to 2PI + left edge.") dre[2] = dle[2] + 2 * np.pi elif self.dimensionality < 3 and self.geometry == "polar": mylog.warning("Extending theta dimension to 2PI + left edge.") dre[1] = dle[1] + 2 * np.pi elif self.dimensionality < 3 and self.geometry == "spherical": mylog.warning("Extending phi dimension to 2PI + left edge.") dre[2] = dle[2] + 2 * np.pi if self.dimensionality == 1 and self.geometry == "spherical": mylog.warning("Extending theta dimension to PI + left edge.") dre[1] = dle[1] + np.pi self.domain_left_edge = dle self.domain_right_edge = dre self.domain_dimensions = np.array([nblockx * nxb, nblocky * nyb, nblockz * nzb]) # Try to determine Gamma try: self.gamma = self.parameters["gamma"] except Exception:"Cannot find Gamma") pass # Get the simulation time self.current_time = self.parameters["time"] # Determine if this is a periodic box p = [ self.parameters.get(f"{ax}l_boundary_type", None) == "periodic" for ax in "xyz" ] self._periodicity = tuple(p) # Determine cosmological parameters. try: self.parameters["usecosmology"] self.cosmological_simulation = 1 self.current_redshift = 1.0 / self.parameters["scalefactor"] - 1.0 self.omega_lambda = self.parameters["cosmologicalconstant"] self.omega_matter = self.parameters["omegamatter"] self.hubble_constant = self.parameters["hubbleconstant"] self.hubble_constant *= cm_per_mpc * 1.0e-5 * 1.0e-2 # convert to 'h' except Exception: self.current_redshift = 0.0 self.omega_lambda = 0.0 self.omega_matter = 0.0 self.hubble_constant = 0.0 self.cosmological_simulation = 0 @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: fileh = HDF5FileHandler(filename) if "bounding box" in fileh["/"].keys(): return True except OSError: pass return False @classmethod def _guess_candidates(cls, base, directories, files): candidates = [ _ for _ in files if ("_hdf5_plt_cnt_" in _) or ("_hdf5_chk_" in _) ] # Typically, Flash won't have nested outputs. return candidates, (len(candidates) == 0)
[docs] def close(self): self._handle.close()
[docs] class FLASHParticleFile(ParticleFile): pass
[docs] class FLASHParticleDataset(FLASHDataset): _load_requirements = ["h5py"] _index_class = ParticleIndex filter_bbox = False _file_class = FLASHParticleFile def __init__( self, filename, dataset_type="flash_particle_hdf5", storage_filename=None, units_override=None, index_order=None, index_filename=None, unit_system="cgs", ): self.index_order = index_order self.index_filename = index_filename if self._handle is not None: return self._handle = HDF5FileHandler(filename) self.refine_by = 2 Dataset.__init__( self, filename, dataset_type, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, ) self.storage_filename = storage_filename def _parse_parameter_file(self): # Let the superclass do all the work but then # fix the domain dimensions super()._parse_parameter_file() domain_dimensions = np.zeros(3, "int32") domain_dimensions[: self.dimensionality] = 1 self.domain_dimensions = domain_dimensions self.filename_template = self.parameter_filename self.file_count = 1 @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if not valid_hdf5_signature(filename): return False if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: fileh = HDF5FileHandler(filename) if ( "bounding box" not in fileh["/"].keys() and "localnp" in fileh["/"].keys() ): return True except OSError: pass return False @classmethod def _guess_candidates(cls, base, directories, files): candidates = [_ for _ in files if "_hdf5_part_" in _] # Typically, Flash won't have nested outputs. return candidates, (len(candidates) == 0)